Burberry New Project

Burberry - DMM Management and Upgrade

Burberry has taken huge steps in pioneering new and exciting ways of engaging the luxury end of the fashion market. Embracing the internet where other brands shied away. Creating an online user experience that reflects the same high quality experience strived for over the many years that makes Burberry stand out in an over crowded luxury products market place.

I was contracted to Burberry through Capgemini working on the Digital Media Management system (DMM). I worked closely with the ecommerce and creative teams managing the asset management process. This included gathering requirements through face to face communication with the different user groups to improve the multi-tiered media asset production process. After feeding back the requirements to the development team, I carried out testing of the system before the go live. I supplied training to the different teams in how each individual process works.

I also oversaw the UX design of the IPad app for Burberry's internal video usage.


OpenText DMM, Adobe Scene 7, ATG, Omnigraffle, Final Cut Pro, Robocopy.


DMM Operation Manager, UX Consultant.


2010 - 2011



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